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Fracking Energy Corporations Confidential Terrorism

Outgoing Governor Paterson to his credit signed an Executive Order mandating a moratorium on Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing Gas Drilling until July 1, 2011. 

He erred by vetoing the legislatures bills which would have banned both horizontal and vertical fracturing gas drilling. Are industry claims of health and safety, of vertical drilling, an attempt to mislead those who will face the health consequences of this Executive Order?

Does using less chemically imbued water, for vertically drilling, instead of millions of gallons of such hazardous and toxic chemical filled water, for horizontal drilling, enhance health, I sincerely don’t believe so. I am aware that fracking received a waiver in 2005 National Energy Policy Act from the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, The Clean Air Act and the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act, Nation Laws controlling industry and p ollution for thirty five years.

Taxpayers, as per recent policy, are giving oil and g as companies millions in in benefits and tax subsidies. These economic policies are never discussed. Are we to remain in the dark of this corporate control of this enormous hazardous potential to millions of people. Corporate accountability is necessary now given the 1-22-10 US Supreme Court Landmark d ecision Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Is government working for the common citizen who may not have another source for his essential life sustaining drinking water than a kitchen faucet?

We know from the documentary FLOW that water is a precious commodity. A YouTube video revealed warfare between Nigeria and Ethiopia concerning water. Water is a lready the third leading commodity of world markets. “Of 300 chemicals suspected to be necessary for fracking in Colorado at least 65 are federally hazardous substances, with ignorance about the other chemicals according to analysis, by the Environmental Working Group and the Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)”.

Governor Andrew Cuomo should ban fracking or get legislation to mandate proprietary rights of energy corporations superseded by ordinary citizens right to know health consequences, of chemicals, stealthily now to be shoved possibly down our throats. “Seizures, near death in one case in Colorado and cancers are suspected from carcinogenic chemicals as known ingredients, in the chemical cocktail pressurized into the earth to force the natural gas to the surface”.

"We are just working in the dark", says Dr. Martha Rudolph director of environmental programs for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in Newsweek "We don't know what the impact on the potential health on humans might be. We need to."

"Gas Drilling Threatens Public With Undisclosed Chemicals", December 2008 http://www.ombwatch.org/node/3847 was paraphrased and used readily to bring these truths to our readers right to be informed)